Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hello, Internet Based World!

Hello everyone!

These past few weeks I have returned to working on a 2D game engine I started on with the intent to make a video game from it. This last week I added support for movement and jumping, making the engine more responsive to key presses, and then I spent the rest of the week cleaning up the engine code.

A video showing the new jumping mechanic in the engine.

Work on the horizon includes support for different types of in-game objects, font rendering, scripting, and improvements to the level editor, so stay tuned!


  1. Cool! Glad it's going well. What screencap software do you use?

    1. gtk-recordMyDesktop, but I'm looking for something better/supporting more output formats. I am also looking for some good video editing software. Of the ones I have tried (cinelerra, pitivi, avidemux), only avidemux has been able to work (though not without crashing). I refuse to believe I need to go to windows for video editing though. :)

    2. I hear that. I did an English 2 video project in Linux and had some problems. Maybe the stuff's gotten more stable since then though
